Sunday, February 6, 2011

Setting up SVN on MediaTemple DV host

What I Wanted
  • SVN repo
My Case
  • Linux server
  • MediaTemple DV acct
  • Tortiose SVN client  
Article Details
  • I will add more detail when I see some comments on this article.
A client has an account with MediaTemple and I want some kind of version control.  I'm most familiar with using SVN, so that's what I went for.  I haven't been too impressed with the knowledge base for their Dedicated Virtual accounts yet and this project was no exception.  There were several promising articles that just lead me down dead-end paths for hours.  This is what ended up working for me:

1. Install MediaTemple Developer Tools (link)
This will install svn on the host, as well as several other things you'll probably use eventually.

2. Create the Repository:
Follow these instructions, Setting up Subversion in 4 minutes. These links were also useful for me, a novice linux user
  • Problem: "Could not use external editor to fetch log message". 
  • Solution 
  • Problem: How do I reload .bash_profile again?
  • Solution 
    Restart svnserve (if necessary, not sure..):
    1. Get svnserve process id (link)
    2. kill it: kill -HUP  
    3. then restart it: /usr/bin/svnserve -d -r /var/www/svn/repos 
     Checkout repository into empty folder:
    • Using Tortiose, right click on folder and select "SVN Checkout"
    • In dialog that pops up, for url use: svn://ipaddress/repo_name
    • In the password dialog that pops up use whatever you set in the file /var/www/svn/repos/repo_name/conf/passwd