Sunday, March 14, 2010

Obligatory Post #1

I'm well aware that folks that start a blog generally write their first entry as soon as the textfield pops up, regardless of whether they have anything of consequence to say.  Who am I to break tradition?

Luckily the process of creating a mindlessly (not to mention tastelessly) simple blog fits the exact topic that I want to blog about.  That is, straightforward instructions on various tasks, adequately documented and highly skimmable.

What I Wanted
  • Simple blog
  • ability to start immediately
  • flexibility to make modifications later

Task the First » I Just Want a Blog

  1. Go to
  2. Create login & follow prompts & wizards 
Update » Custom templates for new blogger posts  
I want to have a little box on the right side of each post for summary info so people can quickly tell if my solution is going to apply to their situation.  Unfortunately it's kind of awkward/tiresome to copy & paste the format from old posts every time (or will be I suspect).  Jennine Jacob has a simple solution on her blog.